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Enable minting of new NFTs into the collection by implementing the IMintableERC721 interface on your ERC721(A) contract.

Base Contracts Implementing This Feature

Unlocked Features

By implementing ERC721Mintable, you unlock the following features in the SDK and dashboard:

SDK UsageDescription
Mint NFTMint a new NFT into your collection.

Implementing It Yourself

This section is meant for advanced users who want to write the functionality from scratch.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/eip/ERC721A.sol";
import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/interface/IMintableERC721.sol";

contract Contract is ERC721A, IMintableERC721 {
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol

function mintTo(address to, string calldata uri) external override returns (uint256) {
// Your custom implementation here
