Available hooks
Main hooks
Hook | Description |
useSDK | Access the instance of the thirdweb SDK created by the ThirdwebProvider. |
useContract | Use this resolve a contract address to a smart contract instance. |
useContractWrite | Use this to get data from a contract read-function call. |
useContractRead | Use this to get a function to make a write call to your contract. |
useContractEvents | Use this to get the contract metadata for a (built-in or custom) contract. |
useContractMetadata | Use this to get the contract metadata for a (built-in or custom) contract. |
Wallet connection
Hook | Description |
useAddress | Hook for accessing the address of the connected wallet. |
useWalletConnect | Hook for connecting to a mobile wallet with Wallet Connect. |
useDisconnect | Hook for disconnecting the currently connected wallet. |
Network connection
Hook | Description |
useChainId | Hook for accessing the chain ID of the network the current wallet is connected to |
useNetwork | Hook for getting metadata about the network the current wallet is connected to and switching networks. |
useNetworkMismatch | Hook for checking whether the connected wallet is on the correct network specified by the desiredChainId passed to the . |
Hook | Description |
useNFT | Use this to get an individual NFT token of your NFTContract. |
useNFTs | Use this to get a list of NFT tokens of your NFTContract. |
useTotalCirculatingSupply | Use this to get a the total (minted) supply of your NFTContract. |
useOwnedNFTs | Use this to get a the owned NFTs for a specific Erc721OrErc1155 and wallet address. |
useNFTBalance | Use this to get a the total balance of a NFTContract and wallet address. |
useTotalCount | Use this to get the total count of NFT tokens of your NFTContract. |
useMintNFT | Use this to mint a new NFT on your Erc721OrErc1155. |
useMintNFTSupply | Use this mint extra supply on your Erc1155. |
useTransferNFT | Use this to transfer tokens on your NFTContract. |
useAirdropNFT | Use this to airdrop tokens on your Erc1155. |
useBurnNFT | Use this to burn an NFT on your Erc721OrErc1155. |
Hook | Description |
useTokenSupply | Use this to get a the total supply of your contract. |
useTokenBalance | Use this to get the balance of your contract for a given address. |
useTokenDecimals | Use this to get the decimals of your contract for a given address. |
useMintToken | Use this to mint new tokens on your contract. |
useClaimToken | Use this to claim tokens from your contract. |
useTransferToken | Use this to transfer tokens on your contract. |
useTransferBatchToken | Use this to transfer batch tokens on your contract. |
useBurnToken | Use this to burn tokens on your contract. |
Hook | Description |
useListing | Use this to get a specific listing from the marketplace. |
useListings | Use this to get a list all listings from your marketplace contract. |
useListingsCount | Use this to get a count of all listings on your marketplace contract. |
useActiveListings | Use this to get a list active listings from your marketplace contract. |
useWinningBid | Use this to get a the winning bid for an auction listing from your marketplace contract. |
useAuctionWinner | Use this to get the winner of an auction listing from your marketplace contract. |
useBidBuffer | Use this to get the buffer in basis points between offers from your marketplace contract. |
useCreateDirectListing | Use this to create a new Direct Listing on your marketplace contract. |
useCreateAuctionListing | Use this to create a new Auction Listing on your marketplace contract. |
useCancelListing | Use this to cancel a listing on your marketplace contract. |
useMakeBid | Use this to place a bid on an auction listing from your marketplace contract. |
useBuyNow | Use this to buy out an auction listing from your marketplace contract. |
Permissions Controls
Hook | Description |
useAllRoleMembers | Use this to get the roles of all members. |
useRoleMembers | Use this to get the members of a role. |
useIsAddressRole | Use this to check if a WalletAddress is a member of a role. |
useSetAllRoleMembers | Use this to OVERWRITE the list of addresses that are members of specific roles. |
useGrantRole | Use this to grant a WalletAddress a specific role. |
useRevokeRole | Use this to revoke a WalletAddress a specific role. |
Hook | Description |
useUnclaimedNFTs | Use this to get a list of unclaimed NFT tokens of your ERC721 Drop contract. |
useClaimedNFTs | Use this to get a list of claimed (minted) NFT tokens of your ERC721 Drop contract.. |
useUnclaimedNFTSupply | Use this to get the total unclaimed NFT supply of your ERC721 Drop contract. |
useClaimedNFTSupply | Use this to get the total claimed (minted) NFT supply of your ERC721 Drop contract. |
useBatchesToReveal | Use this to get a list of batches that are ready to be revealed. |
useClaimNFT | Use this to claim a NFT on your DropContract |
useLazyMint | Use this to lazy mint a batch of NFTs on your DropContract. |
useDelayedRevealLazyMint | Use this to lazy mint a batch of delayed reveal NFTs on your DropContract. |
useRevealLazyMint | Use this to reveal a batch of delayed reveal NFTs on your RevealableContract. |
Claim Conditions
Hook | Description |
useActiveClaimCondition | Use this to get the active claim condition for ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 based contracts. |
useClaimConditions | Use this to get all claim conditions for ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 based contracts. |
useClaimIneligibilityReasons | Use this to check for reasons that prevent claiming for either ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 based contracts. |
useSetClaimConditions | Use this to set claim conditions on your DropContract. |
useResetClaimConditions | Use this to reset claim conditions on your DropContract. |