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ERC1155 - Batch Mint NFTs

You can utilize these features of the SDK if your contract implements the ERC1155BatchMintable interface.

Mint Many NFTs with limited supplies

Mint many NFTs to a specified wallet.

// Custom metadata and supplies of your NFTs
const metadataWithSupply = [{
supply: 50, // The number of this NFT you want to mint
metadata: {
name: "Cool NFT #1",
description: "This is a cool NFT",
image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file
}, {
supply: 100,
metadata: {
name: "Cool NFT #2",
description: "This is a cool NFT",
image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file

const tx = await contract.erc1155.mintBatch(metadataWithSupply);
const receipt = tx[0].receipt; // same transaction receipt for all minted NFTs
const firstTokenId = tx[0].id; // token id of the first minted NFT
const firstNFT = await tx[0].data(); // (optional) fetch details of the first minted NFT

This snippet is for v3 of the SDK. Learn how to upgrade.

View in React SDK Documentation